Dale Banda

Dale Banda, Chief Operating Officer for J.D. Wesson & Associates, Inc. is responsible for vendor management, investigative services, consulting, and training operations within the company. Mr. Banda is a former Deputy Commissioner/Fraud Chief (retired) with the Enforcement Branch for the California Department of Insurance (CDI). Mr. Banda has over 40 years of investigative experience, including 28 years in law enforcement, 20 years in supervision/management, 8 years at the CDI executive level, and 13 years in the private sector. He has extensive managerial and program experience in planning and directing law enforcement and private investigative operations.

As a former Deputy Commissioner and Chief of the Fraud Division, Banda provided program planning and oversight, budget control, training, outreach, state/regional case development, and strategic planning to the CDI Enforcement Branch—and was a key advisor to the Insurance Commissioner on antifraud operations. Mr. Banda was a member of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Anti-Fraud Committee and was involved in developing model legislation for states. Mr. Banda has indepth knowledge and experience with organization and functions of state government and has worked with key stakeholders such as, the California District Attorneys’ Association, Workers’ Compensation Fraud Assessment Commission, Insurance Fraud Advisory Board, industry executives, employers, and consumer groups. Mr. Banda has excellent knowledge of insurance regulations, specifically in the area of Special Investigative Unit operations, and has extensive training experience in all areas of insurance fraud. Mr. Banda is the past President and current Board Member of the Anti-Fraud Alliance.

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