Michele Smith

Kemper SIU Director Michele Smith has over thirty years of investigative and management experience. She owned a private investigation firm specializing in financial and insurance fraud before being recruited by Titan Auto Insurance in 2000 as a Senior Special Investigator servicing Colorado and New Mexico. In 2004 when multiple hurricanes struck, she was relocated to southern Florida as a Senior Special Investigator for Nationwide Insurance. Michele joined Kemper in 2010 as the Western Regional SIU Manager, managing investigations in California, Arizona, and Nevada and was promoted to SIU Director in October 2018. She has held the Fraud Claims Law Specialist, Casualty Claim Law Specialist, and Certified Insurance Fraud Investigator professional designations since 2002. She has been a member of the International Association of Special Investigation Units since 2000 and served on the Board of Directors and as secretary of the Rocky Mountain, Florida, and Southern California Chapters.

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