As an Expert Special Investigator with Kemper Insurance, Eric investigates a variety of suspected fraud claim files, including auto theft, liability, bodily injury and property/homeowners. Areas of particular interest are smoke and ash, arson, policy application, theft, medical and bodily injury cases, major cases, and ring activity. Eric is responsible for competent and quality-driven investigations involving gathering and examining internet and database searches, video surveillance, financial data/records, physical and digital data evidence from vehicles, field canvasses for witnesses, in-person statements and other interviews, etc… for presentation to claims adjusters and managers for appropriate claims resolution. Additionally, Eric presents his investigative findings to various Law Enforcement and Prosecutor partners. Additional experience includes testifying in court as required, development and training of new employees and/or claims professionals entering SIU.
Previous to Eric’s investigative experience, he spent 5 years as an automotive technician in the San Francisco Bay Area, specializing in classic muscle cars. He also worked in adjuster and claims management roles for over 15 years with several major carrier claim departments adjusting and overseeing a wide variety of claim files not limited to the following: property theft, arson, and injury, personal and commercial auto liability, bodily injury, and property damage, and material damage appraisals.
Additional experience includes several years in Mounted Patrol and Search and Rescue for East Bay Regional Parks Police.